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10/14/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Meeting
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall

Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of Boards and Commissions, citizens and members of the press.

Not Present:  John Tuttle

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of September 23, 2008 and the Town Council Special Meeting of September 23, 2008 as written.  Voted (6-0) for the Regular Meeting and (5-0-1) for the Special Meeting. Mr. Devine abstained from the Special Meeting approval as he was absent from that meeting.

Special Presentations:  
PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Program:  Judie Bobbi, Director of the Housing Authority, reviewed the senior housing complexes in town.  The Housing Authority operates totally on rental income.  No funds come from the State, Federal or town governments. They have had grants in the past for rehabilitation projects. Ms. Bobbi reviewed the PILOT percentages in other towns in the state. The town provides the sewer fee for the authority, fills the sand boxes during the winter and fees for building permits are waived. Currently the PILOT for East Hampton is 10% of the total rents collected minus utility costs.  It is paid twice a year to the town.  This year the cost is approximately $22,000.  There is a concern for the reserve amount for the Housing Authority based on a capital needs assessment from CHFA.  If the PILOT was reduced or eliminated it would allow extra funds to be put into reserves which is used to maintain the properties.  This item will be placed on the next Council agenda.  

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to move the Skate Park Location Assessment Report immediately following Public Remarks.  Voted (6-0).

Public Remarks:
Gary Smith, 22 Bevin Blvd., spoke regarding his concerns about the temporary skate park at Center School.  He feels a future park should be supervised, have restrooms, rules and no smoking.

Richard Norkun, Sears Place, also Vice Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, spoke against a future skate park being put in Sears Park.  He feels a needs analysis should be conducted to see what type of recreation facilities should be considered.

Art Marsden, 32 Meeks Point Road, noted that there are two groups of skateboarders.  There is a group of well behaved skateboarders that respect the park.  There is another group that have caused the issues.

Tim Csere, Jacobson Farm Road, feels a needs analysis should be performed for a total parks & recreation analysis.

Mark Vickery, 8 Viola Drive, feels a skateboard park is a large amount of money for a dozen young people.  He feels a comprehensive study should be performed.

Alan Chadwick, 5 Sears Lane, lives near Sears Park.  He noted that the park is quiet and friendly.  He feels the park should be for everyone and not be cut up for various groups.

Tom Wells, North Main Street, noted that Sears Park is a quiet place, it is open and inviting. He feels a skate park would be noisy and intimidating to some park patrons.  

Dave Schuler, 160 Bear Swamp Road, supported the temporary skate park at Center School.  He spent a lot of time at the park with his son.  He did not see any vandalism, trash was picked up.  He doesn’t feel the Center School park failed.  He noted the area at Sears Park may be too small.  Also at Sears Park you need to be a resident to get in and that would be a problem for kids from other towns wanting to skate there.

Dalton Page, 99 Midwood Farm Road, noted that because there were some kids doing things at the skate park that they shouldn’t be doing the residents should have called the police rather than reporting it to the Town Council.  He said that there are kids from other towns that would come to a permanent park, like the kids in East Hampton go to other towns.

Carl Leopold, 3 Sears Lane, agrees that Sears Park is not the proper place for a skate park.  Supervision is needed at a permanent park and there is not enough room at Sears Park.

Tom Wells, North Main Street, added that activities for young people are essential but it is a tough job to choose the right location and that other youth activities should be pursued.

Brandon Schuler, 160 Bear Swamp Road, felt the summer skate park was a success, litter was picked up and the ramps were still in good condition.  He only ever saw the police there for their normal patrols.

Kimberley Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, noted that the summer skate park at Center School provided a location for the kids to skate that was off the streets.  She supports the residents of Bevin Boulevard but the young people causing the trouble were not park of the skate park committee.  She feels the young people need a place to practice their sport safely.  She noted the large amount of young people that had someplace to go during the summer for skateboarding.   

Gary Smith, 22 Bevin Blvd., noted that not all of the kids at the park were bad but in the 23 years he has lived on Bevin Blvd. there has never been vandalism like there was this summer.  The issues have slowed but are not gone as some kids still hang out at Center School.  

Paul Peszynski, Day Point Road, noted that he has been on Bevin Boulevard many times while walking.  Once the skate park went in he noticed litter that was never there before.  He noted that many time he witnessed kids that were not necessarily skateboarding.  It attracted a bad element along with the kids that skateboarded.

Kimberley Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, noted the need for surveillance equipment if there is ongoing vandalism and illegal use of the property.

Richard Norkun, Sears Place, noted that the athletic facility behind the High School was 10 years in the making.  It did not happen overnight.  There is a need for a plan for facilities in town.

Skate Park Location Assessment Report:
Chairperson Engel reported that Sears Park will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in May of 2010 and park improvements are long overdue. Mr. O’Keefe reported that Ruth Plummer and Tom Cummings reviewed 8 sites for a possible skate park.  Pros and cons were given for each location.  The recommendation to the Council would be to solicit three professional quotes to enter into a professional services agreement, in an amount not to exceed $15,000, with a professional Parks and Recreation design and planning firm to prepare a Sears Park Master improvement plan.  This plan will include a redesign of the entire park to accommodate, in addition to its current amenities, a new skate park. It will also look at other improvements that are needed at the park such as lighting, fencing, a new boat launch ramp, paved and marked parking, vehicle circulation, landscaping and a new bath house.  In addition, the plan will address storm run off into the lake.  The Council discussed the proposal and the reports regarding a skate park being placed at Center School.

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to give Town Council support to the Town Manager and Parks and Recreation to go ahead with a study to prepare a Sears Park Master Improvement Plan.  This study would be funded from the Parks & Recreation budget, not to exceed $15,000.  Voted (6-0).

Liaison Reports:
Brandon Goff, Middle School liaison, reported that there will be a Halloween Bash for the 6th graders on October 31st.  The Student Council President and Vice President will be elected this Friday.

New Business:
A.      Functional Assessment Study of Commissions & Committees: Mr. O’Keefe reviewed the recommendation to solicit quotes from a professional organizational consulting firm to perform a functional assessment of the Town’s approximately 35 boards, commissions and agencies. The funds would come from the Town Manager’s budget.  The Council discussed the recommendation.  Mr. Minnick expressed his concerns regarding the possibility of “firing” volunteers. Mr. O’Keefe noted that the consultants will be looking at boards and not individuals.  Mr. Minnick noted that an audit should be done on staff not on the volunteers.  Ms. Weintraub agreed the funds would be better spent on reviewing staffing than volunteer boards.  

A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve an expenditure from the Town Manager’s budget, not to exceed $7,500, to perform a functional assessment of boards and commissions by an outside consulting firm.  Voted (4-2) Mr. Minnick and Ms. Weintraub voted against.

B.      Creation of Facilities Implementation Task Force:  Chairperson Engel reviewed a proposal for the creation of a Facilities Implementation Task Force.  This task force will investigate the findings of the East Hampton Facilities Sub Committee and make recommendations to the Town Council for their consideration and approval.  The suggested membership would Melissa Engel, Judy Golden, Mike Vasquenza, Ted Hintz, Jeff O’Keefe, Jeff Jylkka, Frank Grzyb and John Tuttle. Ms. Weintraub expressed an interest in being a part of the task force.  Mr. Minnick indicated that he is still against the Water Task Force and feels the Town Council should handle this project rather than create a task force.

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to create the Facilities Implementation Task Force with the members listed above, including Sue Weintraub. Voted (5-1) Mr. Minnick voted against.

C.      Smith Street/Route 16 Intersection: Chairperson Engel expressed her concern about this intersection after the last fatal accident at that location.  She asked Chief Reimondo to talk to the daycare about the location of the fence on their property at that intersection as it seems too close to the road. Chief Reimondo reported that the State Traffic Commission has been contacted regarding a traffic study of this intersection and he is awaiting a response from the daycare owner.

Old (Continued) Business:
A.      Christopher Pond Dredging:  The estimated cost to dredge Christopher Pond is between $60,000 and $90,000.  It is recommended that the matter be referred back to the Lake Commission for further study to be done with input from the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency, Public Works, the Town Engineer, Dr. Wagner and other parties that the Council feels would be helpful in determining the appropriate course of action, if any, for dredging Christopher Pond.

Capital Projects:  Mr. Drewry reported on the following:
Streetscape:  The schedule will be forthcoming from the contractor.
Flanders Road:  The drainage is 90% complete.  That phase of the project should be done by December 1st.  The 2nd phase of the design is 80% complete.
Quiet Woods:  The surveyors are ready to begin and the contractor is ready to start.  It should take approximately 2 months.
Hot In Place Asphalt/Chip seal: The project is complete.  Approximately 9 miles of road were completed.
Main Street Bridge:  This project is behind schedule.  The bridge is in the process of being built.  The bridge should be put in place November 6th.  The project is hoped to be completed by mid-December.  The roadway may be opened in November.

Public Safety Report:
Chief Matthew Reimondo apologized for any misconceptions at the last Council meeting.  He was speaking with Bevin Boulevard residents in the hall.  He encouraged them to call with any police related issues from Center School grounds.  The Community Policing training program is scheduled for Thursday, October 16th.  He provided comparison numbers of this year versus last year for various infractions.  

Report of Town Manager:
Niles Street:  It was determined that ½ mile of Niles Street from the Skinner Street end is privately owned.  There was discussion regarding creating a dead end road and a resident on Niles Street giving property for a turnaround.  There are other residents that do not want the road to be a dead end.  There will be future discussion taking into account all of the resident’s comments on that street.  There was discussion regarding removing the Nile Street sign off of Skinner Street.

A meeting is being arranged regarding the Watrous Street property with the Brownfields group and the DEP and EPA.

The Town Manager is awaiting word from the Department of Transportation regarding the Route 151 traffic calming study.

Gail Hamm checked with the Governor’s office regarding the outcome of the STEAP grant.  There have been no decisions made to date.

The Route 66 and Main Street property will be going before ZBA on October 20, 2008.

Aaron Mele, a young man working on his Eagle Scout badge, has been in contact with the Town Manager looking for a project for his badge.

Ms. Weintraub noted that she met with the Mr. O’Keefe, Mr. Carey and Mr. Philhower to review the incentive grant for the home program.  A resolution will be brought before the Council at the next meeting.

Mr. Goff reviewed the appointments listed below:
a.      Appoint Ann McLaughlin to the East Hampton Housing Authority for a 5 year term to run through December 31, 2013.
b.      Appoint Tom Denman to the CT River Assembly for a 3 year term to run through December 31, 2011.
c.      Appoint Bob Heidel to the Water and Sewer Commission for a 5 year term to run through June 30, 2013.
d.      Appoint Carla Sylvester to the Redevelopment Agency for a 5 year term to run through June 30, 2013.
e.      Appoint Kevin Reed to the Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate position filling a vacancy, term to run through November 22, 2009.
f.      Appoint Mark Sawyer to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a 5 year term to run through December 31, 2013 and to the Design Review Board to fill a vacancy, term to run through June 30, 2009.
g.      Re-Appoint Bruce Formhals to the Northern Middlesex County Cable TV Advisory Council for a 2 year term to run through June 30, 2010.
h.      Re-Appoint David Boule to the Inland/Wetlands Watercourse Agency for a 3 year term to run through June 1, 2011.
i.      Re-Appoint Josh Wilson to the Inland/Wetlands Watercourse Agency for a 3 year term to run through June 1, 2011.
j.      Re-Appoint Marc Lorah to the Inland/Wetlands Watercourse Agency for a 3 year term to run through June 1, 2011.
k.      Re-Appoint Mark Philhower to the Midstate Regional Planning Agency for a 2 year term to run through November 2010.

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Ms. Weintraub, to approve the appointments listed above.  Voted (6-0).

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  
John Ciriello, Chairman of the Lake Commission, asked when the interviews for the Lake Commission opening would be held and if he could be present at the interviews.  Mr. Goff noted that the Lake Commission opening would be addressed in the next set of interviews but they would prefer not to set a precedent by allowing the chairman of the commission to attend the interviews.

Resolution on Plum Island:  A motion was made to accept the resolution in support of Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s actions against the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed Plum Island Facility. Voted (6-0). Letters will be sent to Senator Lieberman, Senator Dodd and Congressman Courtney.  A letter will also be prepared for the Governor.

Financial Transactions:  None

Tax Refunds:
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $866.29.  Voted (6-0).  

Bids and Contracts: None

Communications and Announcements:  
Mr. Cordeiro recognized the positive article in the online newspaper HTNP regarding the police department.  Also he recognized a letter received from a resident relating to a positive experience with two police officers.  He asked Chief Reimondo to thank the officers on behalf of the council.  

The Podium Players will be putting on a theater production of Willy Wonka at the end of October.

The East Hampton Ambulance Association has requested a liaison from the Town Council to attend their meetings.  Mr. Devine and Ms. Engel will share that position.

Public Remarks:
Marge Foran of the WPCA asked if Dag Lindland could be reappointed to the Water and Sewer Commission as he was not appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Minnick, to reappoint Dag Lindlund to the Water & Sewer Authority.  Voted (6-0).

Larry Prevost, Niles Street, commented that he would like Niles Street to be kept open and not turned into a dead end.

Scott Sanicki, Quiet Woods Road, noted that the Sears Park plan should include “responsible” parking area and not necessarily paved parking areas.  He noted that the sign on Niles Street should remain in case of deliveries and emergency situations.  By consensus of the Council the sign will remain.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, noted that she agrees with the functional assessment of the boards and commissions.  She recommends they look at the ordinances that created the commissions so that the charge of each commission can be determined and how the boards and commissions fit in with each other.  She would like to see viable commissions.

Reserved:  None

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Voted (6-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary